We invite you to explore and learn more about Keep Mansfield Beautiful's mission, events, and activities. We are always planning something new and exciting, and we hope you’ll join us!
What to look forward to:​​​​​​​
Mural Restoration Project Kick off! ​Late in September the Mansfield community will begin to see activity on the Mansfield Rt 106 train underpass mural. Keep Mansfield Beautiful committee is leading a project to restore, preserve and refresh the 462-foot mural, the restoration is just in time for the Mansfield 250th celebration.
We Noticed! Calling for Nominations Now ​The "We Noticed!" program recognizes local businesses that make an extra effort to beautify and maintain the appearance of their business property. After a KMB committee review a local business is selected to be officially NOTICED as the Business of the Year. The business is highlighted in Keep Mansfield Beautiful social media and presented with a framed certificate they can proudly display at their place of business. ​ Nominate Here​
September 18th, KMB presents at the Select Board meeting to provide an update on everything KMB does. All are invited to attend and heard first hand how KMB is achieving its mission of keeping Mansfield greener and more beautiful.
Nov 1 - 11 Fall Litter Clean Up - Registration Open in October