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The Great Mansfield Cleanup
Annually, twice a year, hundreds of local volunteers gather to give our town of Mansfield a thorough spring and fall cleaning. The Keep Mansfield Beautiful Committee organizes the cleanup on a weekend day guiding volunteers as they fan out across Mansfield to pick up the trash that litters our roadsides, parks, school grounds, and other public areas.
All are invited to join this great community event!
Mansfield Fall Litter Cleanup - Fall - Nov 1 - 12, 2023
Great Mansfield Cleanup - Spring - April, 2024

Register for the 2023
Mansfield Fall Litter Cleanup!
Nov 1 - 12, 2023
Join hundreds of other volunteers, including groups from the boy scouts, girl scouts, local churches, community groups, and businesses, as we clean up the litter from roadsides, parks, and school grounds.
Please follow our Facebook page or subscribe to our e-newsletter to stay up-to-date.
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